Benjamin Wieser JetBrains MPS Tables In this article we will look into creating a simple table editor for JetBrins MPS. For this we will use the " de.slisson.mps.tables " language that is part of the Mbeddr Platform . To explore the basi... JetBrains MPS 21.06.2024
Benjamin Wieser JetBrains MPS Diagram In this article we will take a look on how to create simple diagrams in MPS. For this we will use the language " de.itemis.mps.editor.diagram " developed by the German company Itemis. To explore the b... JetBrains MPS 15.06.2024
Benjamin Wieser JetBrains MPS multible Editors for one Concept In MPS you have the possibility to define multiple editors for a single concept. This can be useful, when you want to enable different views on the same code. For example you can represent your model ... JetBrains MPS 23.05.2024
Benjamin Wieser JetBrains MPS with Git In order to properly use MPS with Git, there needs to be a .gitignore file that excludes the generated files. A sample .gitignore can be found here and has to be put into the project root folder: work... JetBrains MPS 18.05.2024